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( 2 Reviews )


Core Java Tutorial


( 2 Reviews )

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Video Tutorials


Course Content

Covers Introduction to Java, Java Platform, Installation and How to write first program

Java Data Types
Covers variables, data types, wrapper classes, strings and string methods

Classes and Objects
Covers classes, objects, methods, constructors, packages and imports

User Input
Covers how to get input from user using scanner class and command line arguments

Covers different type of operators available in Java

Conditional Statements
Covers if, if-else, if-else-if, nested if and switch statements

Looping Statements
Covers while, do while, for and for-each statements in Java

Covers Arrays, Array methods and different types of arrays.

Implementation of OOPs Concepts
Covers implementation of Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction and Polymorphism Concepts along with coding challenges

Covers Java Exceptions, Exception Handling methods etc

Covers introduction to Collections, List Interface, Set Interface, Map Interface, Iterator and Some other important interfaces in Collection module

Java File Handling

Bonus Chapter

Final Module Quiz

About Course

Course is free for limited time, please do enroll and take benefit of the same

Java is a very popular programming language and is used in many enterprise applications. It runs on 3 billion devices worldwide, and it’s used by more than 12 million developers. Java is an object-oriented programming language and has rich set of Built-in APIs. Java is simple and easy to learn when compared to many other programming languages.

This Kaliyona tutorial covers all the important topics of “Core Java” including a brief introduction to the programming language, installation, object-oriented concepts, Collections etc. This course also includes lots of hands-on programs and coding challenges to enhance the learning and the student will be awarded with a Course Completion certificate at the end.

Contents of the Course (Currently 8 modules have been released) :

1. Introduction: A brief introduction of Java programming language, its origin and how the Java platform works. Also covers Installation, the first program that user will be writing “Hello World” and its execution in command prompt and IntelliJ IDE
2. Java Data Types: Explains how to define variables using different Data types such as int, long, double, float, byte, char etc in Java and enlists the advantages of Wrapper classes. Also includes introduction to Strings and various string methods in java along with coding challenges
3. Classes and Objects: Introduces the concept of classes, class properties, methods, constructors, how to create objects, packages and import statements in Java. Also explains the naming conventions we should be following in Java.
4. User Input: Demonstrates how to get input from user using the Scanner class or from Command line arguments. Also explains how the user input can be used to build the program logic in java
5. Operators: Covers different types of operators in java such as arithmetic operators, assignment operator, relational operators, logical operators (OR, AND, NOT) and ternary operator along with relevant coding examples and a coding challenge to enhance the learning.
6. Conditional Statements: Explains the usage of decision-making statements (control-flow statements) like IF, IF-ELSE, IF-ELSE-IF ladder, Switch Case. Also enlists the advantages of break statement in the Switch statement along with example coding programs.
7. Loop Statements: Demonstrates the usage of Looping statements in Java such as While, do while, For loop and enhanced for loop(for-each) along with interesting examples and coding challenges
8. Arrays: Introduces how to define arrays and assign values using the Array Index. Also explains different array methods in java along with the array length attribute. Includes examples of one dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays.
9. Implementation of OOPS Concepts: Explains the implementation of Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction and Encapsulation which includes the usage of keywords like extends, super, this, private, public and protected (access specifiers), concept of method overloading and method overriding, uses of abstract classes, abstract methods, interfaces and different types of inheritance supported in java.
10. Java Exceptions: Covers Exception handling in java using the try catch block, throw and throws keywords. Also explains the different types of Exceptions that can be handled in Java
11. Collections / Generics: Demonstrates the usage of Java Collections such as List, Set, Map along with interesting coding examples. Also illustrates the difference between Comparator and Comparable
12. Java File Handling: Covers the basics of Java IO file handling which includes usage of FileReader and FileWriter with relevant examples.
13. Bonus: Explains the importance of static variables, static methods, static classes, final variables, final classes and final methods. Also covers Scope of Variable, Inner Class and many more

Benefits of the Course:

1. Clear Understanding of Core Java concepts
2. Helps to master Java from Beginner to Advanced level
3. Hands-on Demo for every topic covered
4. Many Coding Challenges with solutions
5. Quiz for each module to enhance the learning
6. Course Completion certificate

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What Will You Learn?

  • Master Core Java from Beginner to Advanced level

Material Includes

  • On-demand videos
  • Hands-on programs for every topic covered
  • Coding Challenges in every module
  • Quiz based on each module
  • Programs/Examples covered in the course
  • Course completion certificate


  • No prior experience needed in Programming
  • A Desktop/Laptop to try hands-on examples
  • Installation of JDK and JRE (Intellij IDE is optional)


  • Anyone interested to learn new programming language
  • Looking for Complete Java tutorial from Beginner to Advanced level
  • Building strong foundation in Java for any application development


4.90 /5

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5.00 /5

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4 years ago
Gained so much knowledge from ur videos
4 years ago
ತುಂಬಾ ಸಿಂಪಲ್ ಹಾಗಿ ಹೇಳಿಕೊಟ್ಟಿದೀರಾ, ಥ್ಯಾಂಕ್ಸ್. ಹೀಗೆ ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಎಲ್ಲ ಬರಲಿ, ನಿಮಗೆ ಮತ್ತು ನಿಮ್ಮ ತಂಡದವರಿಗೆ ಒಳ್ಳೆದಾಗಲಿ.
Free access this course

Material Includes

  • On-demand videos
  • Hands-on programs for every topic covered
  • Coding Challenges in every module
  • Quiz based on each module
  • Programs/Examples covered in the course
  • Course completion certificate

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