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Second PU Computer Science Lab


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Course content

22 Lessons04h

Section – 1 – C++

Quadratic Equation
Simple Interest
Finding Area
Cube of a Number
Sum of the Series
Push into Stack
Pop from Stack
Enqueue and Dequeue
Linked List

Section – 2 – SQL

Section – 3 – HTML


As per the Karnataka PU Board, Second PU Computer Science Lab has 16 C++ Programs, 4 SQL Programs and 2 HTML Programs.
In this Series we have tried to explain each and every program step-wise in Kannada, making it simpler for students to learn and understand the concepts along with the program.

Approach is to explain in conversational/colloquial Kannada to reinforce the learning and for better understanding.

All Programs are available on git:

Contents of the Course:

Section 1: C++
1. Write a program to find frequency of presence of an element in an array
2. Write a program to insert an element into an array at a given position
3. Write a C++ program to delete an element from an array from a given position
4. Write a C++ program to sort the element of an array in ascending order using insertion sort
5. Write a C++ program to search for a given element in an array using binary search method
6. Write a C++ program to create a class with data members principal, time and rate. Create a member function to accept data values, to compute simple interest and to display the result.
7. Write a C++ program to create a class with data members a, b, c and member functions to input data, compute the discriminates based on the following conditions and print the roots.
If discriminates = 0, print the roots are equal and their value.
If discriminates > 0, print the real roots and their values.
If discriminates < 0, print the roots are imaginary and exit the program.
8. Write a C++ program to find the area of square/ rectangle/ triangle using function overloading
9. Write a C++ program to find cube of a number using inline function
10.Write a C++ program to find sum of the series 1 + x + x2 + x3 + ….xn using constructors
11. Create a base class containing the data member roll number and name. Also create a member function to read and display the data using the concept of single level inheritance. Create a derived class that contains marks of two subjects and total marks as the data members.
12. Create a class containing the following data members Register No, Name and Fees. Also create a member function to read and display the data using the concept of pointers to objects.
13. Write a C++ program to perform push items into the stack. 24
14. Write a C++ program to perform pop items into the stack. 26
15. Write a C++ program to perform Enqueue and Dequeue
16. Write a program to create a Linked List and appending nodes

Section 2: SQL
1. Generate the electricity bill for one customer
2. Create a student database and compute the results
3. Generate the Employee details and compute the salary based on the department.
4. Create a database for the bank transaction

Section 3: HTML
1. Write a HTML program to create a study time-table
2. Create an HTML program with table and Form.


What to learn?

Learner would be able to understand all the given programs Learner would be able to write programs based on the given problem statements Students to be prepared well before the Lab exams


  • Installation of Turbo C and SQL Developer / Use Online editors

Target Audience

  • Karnataka PU Students


4.88 /5

29 Courses

5.00 /5

16 Courses

Kaliyona Instructor

Material Includes

  • On-demand videos
  • Step wise explanation of each program
  • All Programs explained in the series
