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Covers Introduction to SQL, Data. Database, RDBMS and Installation

SQL Fundamentals – 1?

Covers SQL Syntax, Datatypes, Commands and Operators

SQL Fundamentals – 2?

Covers Select Statement and Where Clause.

Aggregate Functions?

Covers Order By, Insert, Null Value, Update, Delete and Aggregate Functions

SQL Joins?

Covers Introduction and Different types of Joins

SQL Group By?

Covers Group By and Having clause

Conditional Expressions?

Covers Case Statement, Decode, NVL and SQL Comments

SQL Sub Queries?

Covers Sub Queries, Exists, All and Any

SQL Set Operators?

Covers Introduction to Set Operators, Union, Union All, Intersect and Minus

SQL Functions?

Covers SQL Functions, Data Type Conversion and SQL Merge

SQL Create & Alter Statements?

Covers SQL Create, Alter, Drop statements and SQL Views

SQL Constraints?

Covers Introduction to Constraints, Not Null, Unique Key, Primary Key, Foreign Key, Check constraint, Default Constraint and SQL Index

Course Quiz

What is Data ?