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Second PU Computer Science Lab


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Video Tutorials


Course Content

Section – 1 – C++

Section – 2 – SQL

Section – 3 – HTML

About Course

As per the Karnataka PU Board, Second PU Computer Science Lab has 16 C++ Programs, 4 SQL Programs and 2 HTML Programs.
In this Series we have tried to explain each and every program step-wise in Kannada, making it simpler for students to learn and understand the concepts along with the program.

Approach is to explain in conversational/colloquial Kannada to reinforce the learning and for better understanding.

All Programs are available on git:

Contents of the Course:

Section 1: C++
1. Write a program to find frequency of presence of an element in an array
2. Write a program to insert an element into an array at a given position
3. Write a C++ program to delete an element from an array from a given position
4. Write a C++ program to sort the element of an array in ascending order using insertion sort
5. Write a C++ program to search for a given element in an array using binary search method
6. Write a C++ program to create a class with data members principal, time and rate. Create a member function to accept data values, to compute simple interest and to display the result.
7. Write a C++ program to create a class with data members a, b, c and member functions to input data, compute the discriminates based on the following conditions and print the roots.
If discriminates = 0, print the roots are equal and their value.
If discriminates > 0, print the real roots and their values.
If discriminates < 0, print the roots are imaginary and exit the program.
8. Write a C++ program to find the area of square/ rectangle/ triangle using function overloading
9. Write a C++ program to find cube of a number using inline function
10.Write a C++ program to find sum of the series 1 + x + x2 + x3 + ….xn using constructors
11. Create a base class containing the data member roll number and name. Also create a member function to read and display the data using the concept of single level inheritance. Create a derived class that contains marks of two subjects and total marks as the data members.
12. Create a class containing the following data members Register No, Name and Fees. Also create a member function to read and display the data using the concept of pointers to objects.
13. Write a C++ program to perform push items into the stack. 24
14. Write a C++ program to perform pop items into the stack. 26
15. Write a C++ program to perform Enqueue and Dequeue
16. Write a program to create a Linked List and appending nodes

Section 2: SQL
1. Generate the electricity bill for one customer
2. Create a student database and compute the results
3. Generate the Employee details and compute the salary based on the department.
4. Create a database for the bank transaction

Section 3: HTML
1. Write a HTML program to create a study time-table
2. Create an HTML program with table and Form.


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What Will You Learn?

  • Learner would be able to understand all the given programs
  • Learner would be able to write programs based on the given problem statements
  • Students to be prepared well before the Lab exams

Material Includes

  • On-demand videos
  • Step wise explanation of each program
  • All Programs explained in the series


  • Installation of Turbo C and SQL Developer / Use Online editors


  • Karnataka PU Students


4.90 /5

31 Courses

5.00 /5

18 Courses

Kaliyona Instructor

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Material Includes

  • On-demand videos
  • Step wise explanation of each program
  • All Programs explained in the series

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